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Showing posts from August, 2008

UBUNTU - Connect Apple Time Capsule

Steps to connect Apple Time Capsule to UBUNTU(Hardy Heron) 1. Client Side Software - Install smbfs and smbclient 2. Make a Mount Point - cd /media sudo mkdir capsule 3. Interactive Mount Statement - sudo mount.cifs // windowsShare / "TimeCapsuleName" /media/capsule/ -o pass=password i. the windowsShare is the IP that you assign to the Time Capsule using your Apple AirPort Utility on a windows/mac machine, ii. The 'TimeCapsuleName' is the name enclosed in double quotes is the name assigned to your Time Capsule when it it set up on the Windows/Mac. iii. /media/capsule is the name of the mount point that you selected, iv. password is replaced with whatever password you elected to use during the Airport configuration.